Send help 😩

Krystin • Lost my fiancé to a car accident last year. Tried for years to get pregnant and it never happened. Met a guy, wasn’t careful, and here I am with baby #1 on the way. Wish me luck

Update: I started on day 6

My period has been fairly regular for a few years, never more than like a day or 2 late/early. I have had my hormone levels tested and they were normal. I have taken ovulation tests and gotten positives. I still haven’t gotten pregnant so the obgyn put me on clomid just to try it out. I’ve only done 1 round of it so far.

The point:

My period is now 5 days late and I’m consistently getting negative tests. What the heck? I don’t understand. I’ve googled it, but all the answered are geared toward women who take clomid due to not ovulating, but that’s not me.