Today is my birthday.

And it sucked.

My husband didn’t bother to kiss me goodbye this morning, no card, no breakfast, no present, no kiss, no happy birthday. Nothing. Sent me flowers from his moms flower shop which basically means he sent me free flowers since his mom doesn’t charge him. And that was it. I hinted at a good present for me like 8 times, even sent him an Amazon link. Then today he tells me “I didn’t know what to get you so you’ll just have to order it.”

I go out of my way for his birthday. I don’t feel like it was even my birthday today. Maybe this is what birthdays become as you get older, idk. But at this point I just feel unspecial, unloved, uncared about, and just tired. If I sound like a brat, I guess I sound like a brat 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m hurt.

Today was my birthday, and it might as well not have been.