Viral Rash


25m (almost 26m old) developed a rash on her chest and back.

Her back bothers so badly that it affects her sleep.

She screams and protests, complains about it itching, etc.

I tried Hydrocortisone cream and Aquaphor. Tried Motrin because it seems red and maybe irritated, plus one day she had a temp of 99-100.3 and seemed to be in more pain.

Pediatrician ruled out many things (and COVID negative) and said it could be environmental allergy or more likely viral rash.

Doc suggested giving her an antihistamine to ease the itch. If needed, give Motrin or Tylenol.

Nothing is working. Every night she hates laying on her back because it hurts. She prefers her belly but falls asleep initially on back. She communicates very well for her age, so I know she understands what we’re telling her but I think she just can’t listen because she’s not feeling good and just screams.

We’ve tried it all and I feel so helpless. It’s taken us 3-4 hours to get her to go to sleep and then she wakes in the night.

I’m exhausted, and she’s exhausted.

Anyone else experience this? Doc says since it’s viral we need to wait it out. Why are none of the meds giving her relief?? Am I missing something?

Should I do more topical? Should I change her pjs? She’s not a fan of blankets so I can’t let her go with just diaper, she’ll freeze.

She’s had it for over a week (but only just started allergy meds on Tuesday).

Thanks in advance!