I hate online dating. Is there anywhere else I should report him?


I posted screenshots yesterday and got mixed answers on if the guy seemed weird or not because he only wanted to see me at 9 pm on a weeknight. I decided to go out with him and he stood me up because I wouldn’t wear fuzzy socks (its like 100 degrees out) and told me “HMU when you don’t want to be difficult”. The next day he text me saying “if we’re not going to talk anymore then I’m just going to delete your number. I’m willing to give you a second chance if you want to take it” - he also said he stood me up because how I was acting. (I wouldn’t wear fuzzy socks. Also what he said he’d give me a second chance about 😂)

I told him absolutely not and that I’d be blocking him and he went off on me saying I’m a catfish and fat and disgusting and should put that on my profile and that he’s reporting me in the dating site and on Instagram. ( none of my photos have filters and I have three full body photos so he could clearly see what I looked like. I am 5’6 170 lbs. a little chubby)

Who the fuck does he think he is? I reported him but is there anything else I should do? I honestly feel like he is dangerous and really pray other women do not go out with him. There is something really wrong about the situation as he would make an excuse anytime I suggested a public place. He only wanted to meet in the night at not so populated places.