How do husbands feel?


Hello everyone just wanted to share something and see if it’s normal or if any of you are experiencing the same. Me and my boyfriend had our first child we were only dating for three months and found out I was pregnant. We both decided to stick together and we got our own place and had a baby shower. We been together for almost a year now and our little one is almost 2 months now on the 16th. We have not told you each other that we love each other. But question is that I have not heard him once tell our baby he loves her. And several times when he gets home he says hi to his dogs and forgets to acknowledge the baby so I’ll pretend that she says hi to him and he will start to say “oh I forgot to say hi to the baby” in a cute way but it does hurt me inside idk why. What do you guys think have you been through this and is it normal?