Idk what to do.??

So last week me n my bf broke up for 3 days. Those were the worst days of my life tbh I felt like I was litteraly dying of a broken heart. I didn’t sleep at all those days I would try n eat n I couldn’t.. I just cried all day. We recently talked n got back together bc it was over something dumb n small n he said he was feeling exactly the same. We lived with each other for 3 months so we were used to being together. Now I just spend the night with him n go back during the day but I feel so off still. When I know I’m going back to my house I start feeling super nervous my head hurts really bad my stomach hurts I feel my heart racing fast. I don’t say nothing the drive back but he notices n asks what’s wrong n I tell him n he’s like it’s ok baby I’ll be back for u after work so we can sleep together every night. I don’t want to feel like this I was never like this until after we broke up. We finally both ate n I still can’t eat even if he’s there with me I feel sick after my stomach starts hurting. I’m happy now we’re together but part of me still feels really off and sad for some reason. Idk what to do...