
T • Mama to a miracle🌈 6/8/21

Hi! So I’m 37+3 and was 1cm, 50% effaced when I saw my dr Tuesday. My baby is breech and we’re planning to have ECV/Csection next week after a final check. This morning I lost a big chunk of my mucus plug and keep losing it every time I wipe. I’m having some slight cramping but for some reason I don’t really feel when i have contractions (even when they show that I’m having them on the NST)

What signs should I be looking for? My dr said if my water leaks/breaks go straight to L&D and not to wait for contractions bc of baby being breech. How long after losing the plug does labor typically start? Will contractions get stronger if this is the start of labor? Lastly, would my water break on its own before anything happens? sorry for all the questions, FTM and don’t want to end up in an emergency csection for waiting too long and missing signs.