Help! I have a gut feeling

Ladies I need honest advice. I have a gut feeling that something is up with my man. I am 9 months pregnant with our daughter and last night I just couldn’t sleep. So I was just scrolling on our Amazon account and I noticed an order was placed for a dildo for women. I didn’t say anything to him then because 1 he was asleep and 2 I figured he was wanting to try something new and was going to surprise me with it. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done that. Well this morning I went to go see if my rug was delivered today and it’s completely gone. The order wasn’t cancelled because it’s not under our cancelled orders and the money has not been refunded to our account. The browsing history is cleared and everything. So now I’m wondering if he was even ordering that for me... well now he’s at home by himself and not answering me but I can see he’s reading my texts. I’ve thought about leaving the office early and going home to check in but also because I am exhausted. Please tell me if I am just being a crazy or if you would be suspicious too.