Twin or yolk sac?

Long story short: Doctor eventually said she’d bet a million dollars that it’s not twins, but still wanted to share experience and poll thoughts from twin mamas.

We had *quite* the scare at our first ultrasound appointment at 6 wks 5 days. The doctor and nurses all fell dead silent when they saw this second white structure. For about 2 mins, they thought it was twins so they took images from a ton of different angles. (Like they were legit swirling that vaginal wand in me like they were stirring soup in a cauldron).

They eventually agreed that what we were seeing was the baby embryo and its yolk sac — not a twin. We asked, “doc, you’re sure? You positive?” She said there is no such thing as 100% in pregnancies, but she’d bet a million dollars that it’s a singleton.

Next appointment is in 3 weeks so she said we can confirm for sure-for sure then. (Context: if this was twins, we would have 4 under 4... so we are not hoping for twins by any means ☠️)

So what are your thoughts? Can hubs and I breathe that it’s just 1 baby? Should we wait til the 9 week appointment before we relax? Any crazy personal stories to share of doctors being wrong on these kind of things?

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