Nap/Sleep advice


My baby girl is 8 weeks, last week I noticed that her sleeping has changed. Before she would be predictable on when she wanted to sleep she would take 3 naps a day and would fall asleep at 10pm wake up once at night for a feeding and go back to sleep. I thought finally were getting into a routine it was less stressful for me and finally got the rest I needed too!

But since last week she’s more fussier and it’s more harder to put her down to sleep either for the night or a nap. If it’s a nap she used to nap for 1-2hrs max. But now she barley naps 15-30minutes and if I put her down she’ll start crying. Like right now she’s napping but she’s been sleeping for almost 3hrs. Should I let her sleep that much is she’s not napping properly? Same thing happens at night it’s hard to put her to sleep and for her to stay asleep🥺 is this a phase she’s going through?

How long should she been sleeping and napping ? I know all babies are different but sometimes I feel either she’s overstimulated or just not getting enough sleep and she’ll be cranky and wants to be held all the time Bc of it.