First IUI bfp and line progression pics


I am in disbelief that we are pregnant from our first <a href="">IUI</a>!!! What a beautiful blessing!

I always searched like crazy for success stories so I thought I’d share mine.

Background: We had unexplained infertility and have been trying for 18 months. Technically secondary infertility as I have a 9 year old from an ex. Did initial testing with my OB (bloodwork, HSG, and husband semen analysis) around the 11 month month. Tried Clomid for 3 months as a boost to see if it’ll help. Then we began testing with our RE and everything came back good, no diagnoses. She always does a saline infused sonogram before treatment so in April I had one and she saw a polyp. I had a hysteroscopy and she actually fine multiple polyps and one piece of adhesion/scar tissue. So I’m pretty sure this has been our issue as it can affect implantation. I’ve had two chemicals. Our RE suggested 3 IUIs then move to <a href="">IVF</a>.

Before <a href="">IUI</a>: I went in for baseline ultrasound CD4, all looked good. Did 5mg letrozole CD4-8. No side effects from letrozole. Midcycle ultrasound CD12 —4 follicles 23mm,19mm, and two 15mm. Lining 7.4mm. Nurse said she had to check with RE quick since there’s 4 follicles and she’ll be back to teach me trigger shot. RE came in and said we had to cancel due to the high risk of multiples. I cried of course disappointed and caught off guard, but explained I understand. She does not have the best bedside manner and didn’t comfort me all, said “don’t cry” and just looked at me while I’m crying. She then asked if I want her to go look at the ultrasound pics. Uh, yeah?! She comes back in and says she’s not worried about the 15mm ones. So we triggered that night 11pm and were scheduled for the <a href="">IUI</a> 36 hours later.

<a href="">IUI</a> day: The <a href="">IUI</a> itself was quick and painless. I had one small cramp for like 2 seconds. I was really surprised and was expecting it to be worse like the HSG or SIS. I came with a full bladder and the nurse said that it really helps so I’m happy I did (nobody instructed me too). Our wash count was 19 million with 97% motility. I laid for 10-15 minutes and left. I got McDonald’s fries (I think it’s a myth but I did it anyway just in case haha). I went about my day as normal—went for a walk and relaxed. I was pretty crampy the rest of the day and days after it. I started progesterone suppositories at night 4dpiui.

TWW: The TWW was seriously the worst ever!! It always has felt like forever but it really dragged on. I made the choice to test out my trigger shot (10,000iu) because I always test early and didn’t want the stress of worrying about not knowing if it was the trigger or not. I tested out until it was gone/very faint on cheapies and then switched to testing on FRER on 8dpiui. There were faint lines but I assumed it was still the trigger. Day by day the lines get a little darker, some more obvious than others. I tried to be positive. There were moments of me wondering if it’s the trigger lingering and also when the other shoe would drop- that the tests would lighten up and disappear like they have before.

When I was 11dpiui/13dpt I felt some anxiety lift when my FRER was a pretty solid pink line and I got my positive on a digital 12dpiui/14dpt—we were so elated. My anxiety came back full swing after our first beta at 14dpiui. The nurse called and said it’s positive but it’s not where they’d like it to be at (100) and how it could go either way- it could be fine and fertilization happened later, or it may be a chemical pregnancy...we’ll just have to see. That was really hard to hear after having gone through that and already being worried about loss. It was very nerve wrecking. I thought after trying I’d be so delighted with strong positives and a positive beta, but I didn’t realize how anxious I would be.

My second beta over tripled in 71 hours which made me feel like I can breathe and smile. My third beta doubled in 48 hours. I stopped testing after that. Waiting for the nurse to call with my results seemed like forever (only 2-3 hours). Today I am pregnant and for that I am grateful💗 trying to remain positive for our first ultrasound which will be next week (6w5d).

I really did not think our first <a href="">IUI</a> would be successful. Of course I hoped and prayed it would but I knew the odds. Our RE told us that we had a 18% chance each <a href="">IUI</a> cycle to get pregnant. I prepared myself mentally that it could take few IUIs, or not work at all. I was also preparing myself mentally, emotionally, and financially that we might have to do <a href="">IVF</a>. So much so that in my first week of the TWW, I started to compile a list of grants and began to write an essay since our insurance doesn’t cover any of <a href="">IUI</a> or <a href="">IVF</a>.

I hope this helps others ❤️ feel free to all any questions!

Here are my line progression pictures:

Sorry kinda crooked and messy- I got less organized at the end.

This was at 12dpiui /14dpt.