Gender disappointment 😔

Please no judgement I don’t want to feel this way and I no I’ll soon feel happier but for now I’m so stressed.

This is our last baby and I’m so stressed it’ll be another girl, I’m desperate for a boy, but old wives tales seem to say girl, I’m due a gender scan very soon and I’m not even excited for it I’m scared to hear the words girl 😔 I feel awful feeling this way, but tried with the last and got a girl (love her to bits wouldn’t be without her and I no deep down I’ll be the same if this is a girl) but I’m so desperate for a boy.

Please tell me I’m not alone.

I can’t stress enough I’m so very grateful for having a healthy baby and being blessed to have children but I’m just feeling down and want to no I’m not alone as I feel crap for feeling this way and I don’t even no what I’m having, for all I no I could have a boy, I’m being stupid (I’ll blame the preggo hormones 🙄😂