Relatching a 2 week old??


I was planning on breastfeeding my baby, but at the hospital right after I gave birth, she wouldn’t latch and the nurses had to express my colostrum and give it to her in a syringe . After that I tried again and again and wasn’t successful to latch her on to me. The nurses and lactation consultants all tried to help. In the end, baby would become hysterical and I was so stressed out and exhausted I just gave in and fed her a bottle. I began pumping and for the past two and a half weeks I’ve been exclusively pumping and bottle feeding and trying here and there to breastfeed, but not succeeding.

Today, I decided I really really want to try latching again. I did some research on YouTube and baby websites and I have plenty of tips ready to use- but I wanted to know if anyone who was in a similar situation was successful in the end?? I really want to succeed .