39 weeks 3 days..... any ideas on inducing


hi all, im 39 weeks 3 days pregnant my due date is this friday if my baby girl doesnt arrive before friday i will be booked in to get induced medically i really do not want that to happen as i had a bad experience with my son 5 years ago. so im trying everything i can to help get things going but running out of ideas on what to try....i qm also aware that baby will only come when she is ready.... i have been cramping the past 4/5 days and having more braxton hicks along with more tiredness and more bowel movements... but does anyone one have any ideas on other ways i can try induce labour naturally and safe?... im getting so sore now and im dying to meet my baby girl ❤ things i have tried so far is nipple stimulation with and without manual breast pump, long walks, warm baths with and without lavender bath salts, iv tried using my birth ball regularly, bumpy car rides, sex, going up and down stairs, the miles circuit and rasberry leaf tea. is there any thing else i can try? 🥰