Family wants stuff I make for free 🤦🏻‍♀️

Oh so I’m a very crafty person. I love to sew and crochet 🧶. I can sew just about anything and crochet anything as long as I have a pattern.

I use to have a full time job (5 years active duty army, I’m a veteran now). I take care of my two toddlers being a stay at home mom. My family has always asked if I can sew the bottom of their pants or crochet them something. And I use to be like yeah sure no problem and I go out to buy the yarn and sometimes buy the pattern online if I can’t find a free online pattern. But now that I don’t have any money they still want stuff and I want to charge a super small fee. Like my 18 year old sister wanted some crochet strawberry’s for her car and I was like I can do it if you pay me $5 and she was like no I want it for free. I told her I have No job and it cost money to buy the right materials for the project and it takes time to make. She said she would pay a friend but not me cus we are family. I’m like dang $5 isn’t even enough to buy me and my kids McDonald’s. I just want a profit if someone wants something big or small depending on the size of the item.

She told me I need to get a job at McDonald’s and put my 2 kids in daycare. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I asked why so I can have an extra $20 to buy yarn and give away for free?

*****My husband works and supports us. I just want a small side hustle for myself. But I guess now I’m being a bad guy.