Feeling like the abuse will never end..

I left my abusive ex of six years last year in April before our daughter was born, I always stayed despite how he treated me.. you know how the story goes.. but since the last incident he was charged and me and my babies had a protection order against him.. he was super mean, he would bite my fingers, pull my hair, pick me up and throw me to the ground, punch me, take all my ids and phone and leave me, told me if I didn’t do this or that he would leave me and nobody would want to raise someone else’s kids or want me in general, all that stuff.. I’ve been on a healing journey all year and it’s been getting easier to share my story, but the last few days have been horrible for me, we have a son, and my gosh does he ever look like his dad, just a mini version of him.. the thing is he’s recently gotten super aggressive.. he bites me, pulls my hair and just always pushing me around and when I try tell him he’s being mean or get to his level and talk to him about hitting he punches or slaps me across the face.. and he’s now leaving scratch marks on my face and my head hurts from him pulling my hair... this is giving me a lot of painful memories that I worked so hard to move on from.. seeing this innocent little boy who looks exactly like my abuser and do this stuff to me.. he has made me cry but I don’t show it I just hide in the bathroom til he calms down.. I’m having a hard time dealing with his aggressive behaviour especially because I’m a single mom and have zero support to help with him and also have a 13 month old daughter who’s attached to my hip to avoid him hurting her.. sos 😢 and yes a I’m seeing a pediatrician for him in July though.. just need some support til then. 💔