Normal to not take baby out?

My baby is 12 months old soon. He’s only been in his nana’s back garden so far, i took him to the park once last summer.

Is it normal that I don’t take him out? Obviously lockdown is going on but I feel like I wouldn’t take him out much regardless. I’m just so tired and stressed, I know it’s selfish but I’m hoping for some opinions on if it’s normal to be kinda housebound with a 12 month old baby?

Edit; we spend lots of time outside just only in the backyard, he has his little cousins playing with him and lots of fresh air. At least once a week he comes grocery shopping with me. I meant more that I don’t take him out to eat or to public places, thanks for all the reply’s as well 😊 (I am depressed but I make sure to hide it and not let it affect baby)