Sex after an abortion

How long did you wait before having sex after an abortion?

Had an abortion on Friday(4 days ago) and im like super horny! All i keep thinking about is sex. I know they recommend to wait for bleeding to stop or at least 2 weeks but she also recommended when i felt ready but feel like i cant wait.

Can i just add that i fell pregnant on birth control and if we was in a position to keep the baby we would of love to of done we already have 2 young children one being extremely poorly and medical reasons for the abortion so before trying to be harsh to people for choices or questions asked please just think about what position someone might be in first

People have sex for many reasons for example baby making or just for fun so please don’t assume i want to have sex again so i can have an abortion again because i don’t! Im lucky that me and my partner still have a great sex life after 4 year, 2 kids and pup later as well all stress from my son having multiple open heart surgery’s! So i think i will enjoy having sex for as-long as i possibly can without people judging me for asking a question as i know i wont be the first female to break medical advice afterwards 😆