5 month antics

Danielle • Mom of 3 💜💙💜

I wish I had been recording her majesty, my pandemic princess most of this morning. She got up to some crazy hijinks! Starting with a backwards dive/somersault this morning over her boppy followed by her antics on mommy's bed while I was getting dressed she's been crazy active!

I had laid her down in the middle of the bed laying crosswise because it's the easiest. In the time it took just to find clothes and throw them on she rolled onto her belly, rotated 90°, flipped back to her back and was yelling at me to pick her up. Apparently she couldn't see me well enough to ensure she was getting her point across so she got into a better position to do so lol

Gotta love the attitude of my tiny peanut! She's definitely going places in this world, I just need to survive raising her first