Ugh!! I have anxiety issues.. 😩😩 ⚠️possible TW⚠️


This is baby/pregnancy #3 for me and I'm 14+2 weeks, part of my issue might come from not having an ultrasound besides my first appointment almost a month ago, when I was 10+5 weeks 😅

My first I had unexpectedly at 30+5 weeks, so because of that I get monitored pretty closely. With my second I had already had a cervix check or two by 14 weeks.. so I'm not sure if that is where the stress is coming from, that I haven't had a cervix check yet? But I am freaking out (for no reason) that baby isn't okay in there.. I try to rationalize it, but I'm failing greatly at it..

I also can swear with #1 and for sure no doubt with #2 that by 14 weeks I felt them both move, but this time around I haven't felt anything!! 😩😩 ugh! I go in next week for a regular checkup and I can't wait to hear the heartbeat again 💗🙏 and hoping I'll be setting up regular cervix checks again this time around. My anxiety can't handle it.