
Amy • Wife ✨ Momma to a little girl & a little boy #3 on the way!

I need help, opinions, personal stories, whatever.

Also. TMI.

Okay so I didn’t test for ovulation this month, I’m normally a 28 day cycle but last month it was 34. So still a bit irregular for me. ANYWHO. I’m on CD 23 and according to my app I’m due for AF in 7 days. But if I get back to regular than I should get Af in 5 days. I went to the bathroom and wiped and had some brown spots, not like spotting just a couple of spots. Kinda odd. Okay. So then I started cramping a little bit. So it’s been maybe an hour so I was like hmm. Go take an OPK. So I did…. It’s blaring positive. Any idea? Late ovulation maybe? I’m SO confused. Hubby and I just talked last night about how we think we’re done having kids. The dye is not even done running and it’s already positive 🥴

I’m not TTC but I don’t know where to post this.