The struggle is real!

Shelia 🍒

I had a D&C on 5/18/21 my doctor told me I was all clear on my follow up appointment 5/28/21. My husband and I resumed life as normal. Fast forward to 6/12/21 when I decided to take a test because I just felt off. To my surprise, it was positive. Not a faint line or a squinter, POSITIVE. I took one again Sunday and it was a little lighter, but still very positive. I called my OB Monday morning to ask what the chances of getting a positive test from left over hormones would be, he said none. INSERT FREAK OUT HERE. Took a different brand (clearblue) Monday and it was significantly lighter then the cheap off brands I had been using. Took cheap off brand Tuesday and it was significantly lighter then Sundays, so I'm thinking "okay maybe it is leftover from my miscarriage." This morning, cheap test, and still a positive. I don't want to call my OB a liar, but I would assume if it's a new pregnancy it would be getting darker.

If it is just leftover hormones, it's a sick joke for your body to play on you.