I lost 30 lbs in a year! July 2020-June 2021

I’m proud of myself because it was a rough start. When I say I started out going slow I really mean it. I was losing like .5-2 lbs a month.

I tried to work out and ended up stopping because my body was like too much too soon. I even went to the dr because of it *embarrassing*

I know why I wasn’t losing weight fast I just didn’t have the drive to completely change everything right away. I told myself I didn’t care how slow it was as long as I kept going.

I wasn’t going to post because I was comparing myself to others on here who were losing way more then I was in just a few months vs my year. (Y’all were motivating me like no other and didn’t even know! 🥰)

Then I was like wait what if I can motivate someone else who doesn’t know how to start… I started by doing stuff that was easy to me. I completely cut out cokes. Not a big coke drinker until quarantine so that’s why I started there.

I started to try and work out multiple times throughout this year. For a week or even just a day then I would stop.

Started cooking at home (big fast food eater) I didn’t completely cut out fast food until March of this year. (I’ll post my weight app you can see my weight drops fast when I finally cut it completely out)

(I had a mini vacation at the end of April and that’s why my weight went back up but my inches did not)

Just this week I started drinking the amount of water you should be and lifting weights. Just this week. I feel better then ever because of it.

I weighed myself and didn’t worry about what it said too much just kept on trying. Changing little things here and there mostly food wise.

I still have 25-35 lbs to go and I thought I would be there by now but I’m not worried because im making these changes for life not just until I reach my weight goal.

July 2020 - 206lbs (left)

June 2021 - 175lbs (right)