Labor Signs

Mommas with more than one baby and that went into labor on their own what where some of the early signs you had?

I’m only 35 weeks and I was induced with my first so I have no idea what to expect and we believe the little man is trying to come early!

So help!

I’ve had the following symptoms (may be TMI)

- loss of mucus plug (without bloody show)

- decreased appetite

- lots of Braxton Hicks and/or pressure

- feeling constantly exhausted and drained

- the runs at least once a day 😅😩

- and I do believe he dropped

I mentioned all this to one of the doctors at the practice I go to this week, and all she asked me if anyone around me was sick 🤦🏻‍♀️

She’s not the regular one I see so I’ll be bringing it up this coming week with my regular doctor.

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