I don’t know what to think

My son doesn’t have his year check up till almost a month after his birthday so I figured I’d ask around here first to see what you ladies think.

My son has me worried. I believe he has ADHD. It runs in the family and he’s just always movin. He can’t even sit still while he’s eating. So I believe he has that. But here’s my problem my son barley answers to him when called. If he is looking at something else he will not look at you if you say his. We have to say his name a number of times before he’ll look at you and that’s if he even does. When he was 6 months he was doing good with standing on his own. Honestly it looked like he was going to walk around that time. Then it just started going down hill. He still isn’t walking. He can, he’s done it with us when we practice with him but he would definitely rather crawl. I’m afraid he may have autism but really I don’t even know what to look for. I just think it’s strange because I watch a premiere baby who is two months younger then him look right at every time you said his. I just want to know if this is normal for anyone else’s babies? Or do you think I should actually be concerned?

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