

My baby has never been whiny unless he's teething. He could be teething but I don't see any other signs. He just got over a virus of some sort (the doctor suspected roseolo bc he had a small rash after his fever but it only lasted 2 days which he said isn't typical of that virus)

Its been two days now since that has left his system and now this kid is whiny, picky at eating (which i honestly suspected would happen...I hate eating after I get over sickness) and throwing the worst tantrums if he doesn't get his way. I miss my sweet boy from last week. This baby won't even let me put him in his carrier. He has to be held or he loses it. I guess my thing is, what can I do to help him get back on track. I try to make him comfortable but he doesn't have any fever that would consistute using Tylenol or Mortrin and I can only do so much while trying to keep up our household. The doctor said he should go back to normal in a matter of days, just that I babied him during his illness and he wants that instead. How do we get on track again? If I continue to baby him like he wants, will he eventually snap out of it or i need to just listen to the screams and deter? FTM HELP!