Baby blues during pregnancy?

Glow family, I am so grateful and happy to be pregnant. I am 20 weeks pregnant with my sweet rainbow baby and this is a dream come true for me and my husband. These past few weeks, I have been feeling very unsteady and feeling like i’ve been wrapped up in a cloud. I am wondering if I am feeling a small bout of perinatal depression. I don’t have intrusive thoughts and am functioning just fine, but I have been feeling extremely vulnerable and emotionally wobbly—like I’m pmsing x 1,000,000 and feeling everything so deeply. I just can’t pinpoint it, but I don’t feel like myself. I am so thankful to have a supportive and loving husband to remind me that everything will be okay ❤️. Just wanted to see if any of you are going through something similar and wanted to ask you for your advice… What helped you cope? Journaling and being vulnerable about my emotions with my close loved ones have been helpful, but I know that glow always has such a great community of supportive women and I would love to help your input. Please know that I am sending my love and that you are not alone ❤️.