Need Sleep


Hey everyone! My LO is 5 now and he will not sleep more than two hours at a time. I have literally tried EVERYTHING to get him to sleep longer and nothing has worked. I’m at my wits end at this point. I had to quit my job because I could not function the amount of sleep I was getting. I cannot afford to stay home any longer and need to find some way to get him to sleep for longer stretches. I’m all ears if any of you have suggestions. I’ll make a list of what I’ve tried so far. Even as a newborn he was a shitty sleeper. 😭


Ferber method

Dream feeds

Nested bean (as well as other weighted sleep sacks)

Swaddle (he rolls now so it’s unsafe)



All the calming bath products

Gripe Water for when he’s colicky

White Noise (he does sleep better with it)


Letting him fall asleep in the swing and then transitioning to his crib (wakes up within 15min)

I’m so desperate! My husband doesn’t help because he literally has no patience. And he helps with our toddler while I try to out baby down.