2 hrs to put my 11 week old to sleep at night


Why is it so hard to my put my LO to sleep at night? I mean literally every night it takes me two hours to put him down. I make sure he is not awake for more than 2hrs in the day and that he naps properly. Every night i bathe him and massage him (he loves it by the way), i swaddle him, feed him, change his diaper, burp him, rock him and he goes to sleep. Then wakes up after a few mins like 20 mins maybe and then i try different things like feeding, rocking, changing diapers and if nth helps then gas drops. But it’s the same every night. He has to wake up like 3-4 times before he goes down for the night. The night time routine is really exhausting. What am i doing wrong?

By the way in the day he does not nap for more than an hour at one time. Also, it’s easy to put him down in the day but the night time is a hassle. And when he finally goes to sleep at night he sleeps fine.