Possible Prenatal Previa

💰💍💋RileyBaby💋💍💰 • 1 Princess and counting🤞🏾☀️🎤Music Artist🎼🎂Feb.10🎂 🐝Be Happy😁, 🐝Be Healthy💪🏽 “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato🗣

I had my ultrasound today and I was so excited, the doctor couldn’t find the placenta and so she had me lay all the way down, then she notices my placenta is less than 8mm away from my cervix, so possible I won’t be she to have a normal birth. Truly I’m depressed regarding this but praying and keeping hope! Fingers crossed that as time goes on my placenta will move further away and i will be able to have a vaginal birth.

I’m currently 22 weeks and 4 Days