Please help this confused mama


Devastated. After 4 months of fighting recurrent mastitis, the dr cultured my nipple bc of the sores on it(popped friction blisters) . well the office just called and said its mrsa! And id have to pump and dump bc of the antibiotic im taking. Well I been on it 5 days and still feeding baby!!! She prescribed it last Friday when

She did a culture

So what I'm getting is that I have to pump and dump both sides bc of the med not bc of mrsa? But if he has already been okay the last 5days idk what to do. It's another 5 days.

I'm on other meds that recommend weaning and not abrupt discontinuation.

I have about 160 oz in freezer but it won't be enuf to last 5 days.

I'm a mess

Help!!!! 😭