Pulling clothes off


So my baby girl ( turns 1 this month ) tries to undress herself and then gets frustrated when she can't. My mother says that there is something wrong with her. It stresses me out when she shows me screen shots of her maybe having something wrong mentally. Since she turned 10 months she has been more active and curious to everything around her. She can't sit still. I thought maybe she was bored, too hott, or maybe not comfortable in her clothes. 🤔 but my mother making these comments of her potentially being autisic or something else being wrong with her worry me and I can't help but cry. Also, I'm 5 months pregnant so I might be more emotional than usual, especially when it comes to my babies ♡ any insight would be appreciated, I just don't know if it's normal or if I should speak to someone about checking her. It's very overwhelming and I need some support. My husband also brought up that maybe something is going on with her so I feel torn bcuz everyone around me says this and I don't feel that way one bit. I am her main caretaker, my husband works all day and night and mom watches her some days when I help hubby with the business. But I never see anyone playing with her the way I do. Like trying to teach her anything.

She's not walking yet but she does stand and move around holding onto hands, tables, couches. She know how to play ball and listens/understands commands like "no", "go get it", "give it to mama", "good job!", "Come here", "let's go" . She also knows the ABC song when I sing it and other nursery rhyme songs. She listens to her name, not all the time but most. She laughs and smiles when playing games, she moves from one toy/activity to the next. She also babbles alot ( I see it as baby talking ) to me and her toys even the dog. She can feed herself with her fingers and is learning to use sippy cup.