Weaning side effects?


My LO is 6 months old, and for awhile now I so badly want to start the weaning process, but haven't because i feel soo extremely guilty about it for a few reasons

She is totally boobie OBSESSED, she comfort nurses all the time still, sometimes it's the only way to get her to calm down (tried offering a paci many times & she is OFFENDED😅) she fusses & fusses but once she finally gets it, the sigh of relief and contentment she expresses is just too much & gets my mommy heart going.

I go to work after her dad gets home in the evenings. Only usually for about 5 to 6 hours & in that time she usually has about 1 or 2 formula bottles (I despise pumping & all the dishes & sanitizing that come along with it.) But even if she's just had a bottle & I get home, as soon as she sees me she wants the boob, like has crazy eyes for it, i literally cant hold her for a second before she is pushing off of me trying to adjust herself to it lol.

I am so afraid that I'm going to cause some kind of traumatic experience for her by weaning. On top of that I know that I am truly blessed to be able to produce & not have latching issues or anything & that just adds to the guilt. But I almost feel like a prisoner to nursing her and just want to be free of it! Also we have been very blessed that she has been such a healthy girl so far & if she were to get sick or something after stopping I know I would just be kicking myself so hard. I really don't know what to do. 😔