Dried brown discharge is it normal TMI.

So today I was in a mood and I you know masturbated. It started out fine you know I looked at my fingers while I was masturbating and they of course had the thick milky white luquid on my fingers which is normal. But after I was done I noticed on my fingers I had dried brown crumbs on my fingers and in my underwear. No I don’t no any anal play. never have, not that it’s anything wrong with it it’s just not my thing. I’ve noticed that it’s been like that after everytime I masturbate on my hand I have them. Yes I do have long acrylic nails on but even when I masturbate and don’t have nails on I still have the residue on my hands. (TMI I INCLUDED A PICTURE) as you can see my period ended over a week ago. Could it just be dried up blood. I mean I know that’s a thing but everytime??? It’s not a coincidence. I’m 21 I haven’t had sex since I was like 17 I’m currently celibate all I do is masturbate for sexual pleasure. What could this be???when I take showers and all I use is unscented soap and water to clean down there. Is this normal? Does anybody else have this issue??