Terrified of being pregnant but hate condoms

I’m 21 but I’ve been pregnant a total of 3 times in the last 5 years. I’m honestly not mentally, financially or physically ready to have a baby so I had an abortion twice. I honestly don’t ever want to get one again but my problem is I hate condoms (because I have a latex allergy) and birth control makes me sick and depressed.

I hate condoms, I hate the way they feel, I feel like they take the intimacy away and I honestly have a little bit of a fetish where I like for my man to finish inside me. Me and my boyfriend just recently moved in together and we’re having sex everyday and I’m terrified of falling pregnant. I feel so stupid and irresponsible but I’d be terrified to get another abortion again. In fact, the ones I have already caused me to have a little PTSD & depression. I honestly feel trapped.