Overactive letdown??

Erin • Christian, wife (5.17.14), Mom (Elliott- 6.7.18, Evan -June 23, 2021), pet parent, Fightin' Texas Aggie, radiological engineer

I think I may have an overactive letdown. My newborn (13 days old) has recently (last week) started to cough and gag when nursing on my right breast. He is also very gassy and uncomfortable if he falls asleep nursing and stays asleep. He grunts and lifts his legs for at least an hour every 10-20 minutes. It’s especially bad overnight which means I’m not sleeping because I can’t sleep through the grunting. He doesn’t seem to wake up during these gassy periods just makes a ton of noise. He also gets the hiccups multiple times a day anywhere from immediately after a feed to 30 minutes. He also spits up often.

Things I am doing currently:

Laid back nursing (not good at this yet as I didn’t do this with my first)

Burping between breasts or if he pulls off

Holding up right for 5-10 minutes after a feed before laying down

During the day- bicycle legs, tummy massage, “colic” hold

I keep meaning to try to hand express or use my haakaa to get things started on that side but I tend to forget something (the manual pump, a burp cloth to express into, etc) so it doesn’t happen. It’s also hard to think about that at night when he goes from little hunger cues that wake me up to full on crying in less than a minute.

I tried the scissor hold but that just made more come out not slow it down!

I also don’t feel my let down. And I don’t have an oversupply. He drains me well day and night.

I don’t think there is a reflux or dairy allergy issue as my eldest had GERD and a dairy allergy. The signs/symptoms are just different. No mucusy stool or blood in stool. Discomfort is also delayed.

Is there anything I am missing? I know as he gets bigger he’ll grow to handle it.