Water gushing out of vagina?

Let me preface this that I am NOT pregnant, I just got off my period 2 weeks ago and have tested before my period and after.

I had a yeast infection last week, so I used a single treatment of monistat. This week the yeast infection hasn’t exactly gone away, but it’s much better. Yesterday when I bent down to put my shoes on, water GUSHED out of my vagina, like I peed myself. This liquid also had bits of white clumps in it, I’m assuming leftover from my yeast infection. It happened again this morning when I got up from bed, this time just clear with no white in it. It literally looks like I peed my pants both times?! I know it’s not urine because 1. I can feel it come out of my vagina 2. It does not smell like urine at all

I made an appointment with by OBGYN, but I just wanted to see if this has happened to anyone else before.