maybe I am wrong

So my fiancé started a small business about 2 months ago of detailing cars. He’s great at it. This just his side hustle. Anyways it annoys me how too nice he is when it comes to charging people(his family). What I mean by his family like his uncle or cousins aunts. The material is expensive he basically charges what he got the material of. Blows 3 hours worth of work for nothing. He makes zero money out of it. He’s spending it on a material. There’s this bottle it costs him 40$ it’s very tiny. It barely does it job for half of the car. He gets annoyed with me because I’m always telling him I understand it’s your family. No matter what your family should be fully supportive of your business and paying you what it should be. Not taking advantage of your time and money. Today also he did a car today. Her car was so so so bad. She was his cousins friend. She lives across town. She had to find a ride back home because he was going to take 4 hours in her car because how bad it was. She had to call his cousin so she can give her a ride. So my fiancé cousin give her a ride. He didn’t know until he saw his cousin pulled up. He literally paid his cousin to give her ride. I was so confused and asked him when she left. Why did you pay your cousin ? He was like because he was giving my customer a ride. I was like stop there. I understand you’re trying to make your customers happy but that’s on her to find a ride or get uber pay that on her own. It isn’t your responsibility to be paying other people’s ride. That’s her friend it’s not like you asked her. I asked him is this what you’re going to do with all your customers pay for their ride ?? He was like it was cross town. This guy gave her around 20$ just to take her home. 🤦🏽‍♀️ when his cousin drives a Toyota when that car doesn’t even waste much gas. I don’t know I tried not putting my say in into his business but it’s our money he spending. I’m just looking out for him. He’s just going to get taken advantage later on. Maybe I am overreacting but I never had my mechanic payed for my ride when I have to leave my car in the shop. It makes no sense 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ he has his daily customers so he’s not doing it to get more customers. He’s just doing it to be nice. Sometimes he’s too too nice.