

This was on 6dpo... could this be implantation ? this same day i was literally sleep all day i couldnt wake up to save my life😩😩. my grandma also called me early in the mornin and said she had a dream that i was pregnant the night before and she couldnt shake it so she had to ask if i was pregnant or not 🤣. it caught me way off guard being this lady doesnt ever remember her dreams soooo thats just a little weird that i had this spotting like 12 hours later . im 12 dpo today, i tested at 10 and it was negative but i know youre not out until AF shows 😩. but my boobs are so heavy and painful it's annoying the hell out of me because its been getting worse everyday. no af like cramps, just twinges and sharp pains in my uterus and my back i get little cramps too. ive been nauseous as hell but havent thrown up tbh i think it might just be something i ate idk but it hasnt gone away and all food is nasty except mcdonalds at the moment 😂 so thats why im asking,,, is this implantation? i ignored it when i saw it bc i knew it was way too early to test, but figured id snap a pic anyways.