How much should I weigh?

I’m 5’ (19 yo) and I’m currently at 120. I used to be pushing 128 until I lost those 8 pounds through diet and exercise. I can’t recall what I’ve always weighed but I don’t know if I ever was at 110. Everything I read says I should be around 100-115. I once was at 115 so I see that happening, but idk if 110 is pushing it? A lot of people my height weigh that amount so I know it would be normal for me but I just feel like it’s not right? I know someone who’s 5’5 and she’s 109 so that makes me feel even more obligated to definitely reach for 110, especially considering my height. I have belly fat and even with the 8 pounds being shed, it has remained completely on my stomach and I really want it gone. So maybe I have to reach for that number. Thoughts? :(