Overweight women.....

If you are proud of your body, that is awesome and props to you!!!
However, reading one of the newest posts I am very tired of hearing if someone is a size 22 (etc-what ever they are) that "just because you're overweight doesn't mean you're not healthy".
Please.... Give me a breakdown of what you eat every day, be honest and tell me everything you cheat on because I was a heavy woman at one time and I thought the same thing too but it was literally just denial.
By the way--- having a very low calorie intake every day is not a diet. When you starve yourself , your body goes into "starvation mode" and it clings onto every single thing that you put in your mouth and you gain weight because your body thinks you're starving.
If you are significantly overweight, "obese", there is no way in this world that you are "healthy ".  
Just because you can not physically see hardening and narrowing of the arteries , destruction of your organs and vessels, doesn't mean it is NOT HAPPENING! It is!  OR just because your blood pressure is good (right this second) does not mean you're healthy!!!!!  Please.
I'm not saying "only skinny is healthy" either.  I'm just very tired of seeing obese and morbidly obese women claim they work out and are super healthy when they're just blinded by denial
***There are "skinny" and "thin" people that are unhealthy too!  Just depends on what and how you eat.
Bottom line is this: what you PUT IN, you will "get out".  
If you are "going to the gym" you do need to burn WAY MORE calories than you put IN to even try and make a difference.
Again, it comes down to what your putting in and what you DO about it.
Do the calories going IN equal WHAT exersizes you "do" actually measure up?  So please....drop the "I"m working out" crap because what ever your doing is NOT working.
The only thing I see is denial and excuses.  (And as I said, I've been on the other side too and know where your coming from). It wasn't until I literally busted my ass and put real work and change in ---that's when I saw real results.   
*****Down vote this all you want and make it disappear....the truth and facts behind it will remain the same********
Edit- if you are happy with your body that is awesome and I commend you! You SHOULD BE! Every woman is beautiful in every shape and size that we come in. I just wish so hard that people can accept themselves without excuses. If you are skinny and unhealthy or "obese" and are unhealthy , for what ever reason, JUST OWN IT. Do not make excuses for it. It is only when we are able to admit these things to ourselves real positive change happens. This applies to ALL areas of our lives, not just weight.   Sorry but I'm over the excuses