Possible miscarriage ?

So, help me out here. I am diagnosed PCOS and have never been pregnant to my knowledge. A few days ago, I broke down crying to my ex (my most recent partner) about how I believed I was pregnant due to symptoms I was having. We got me a couple tests, took one with the intention of taking the second the next day, and it came back negative. 5 hours after that test I started bleeding, 2 weeks after my period should have started. That in its self is no big deal considering I do have PCOS, but combined with other symptoms and looking back at my fertility window…it was concerning. The last time my now ex partner and I had sex was within my predicted ovulation cycle. We always used condoms, but failures happen.

Now, because of my PCOS, I’ve picked up the gross habit of looking at the bigger pieces of matter and blood clots that pass so I can learn to see when something is off due to me being super paranoid when it comes to anything health related….and today I passed a massive piece of something.

The pictures I did take do not show the color of this piece of….something…well, but it is dark purple. Almost like eggplant purple, with these odd spots of white…and what looked like could potentially be the start of a fetus at the bottom, which again, unfortunately does not show well in the pictures.

Is it possible I got a false negative and am currently having a miscarriage?

For reference: I would have been 6-7 weeks pregnant if I had been pregnant, and I’m honestly not sure if a test would have picked it up.