July IVF retrieval


Hi guys, my name is Kristen, I’m 35 and my husband is 36. We live in Macon Ga. We are in the middle of stims for our 2nd egg retrieval. The first retrieval was last November and they took out a lot of eggs and 17 of them fertilized but sadly we only ended up with 2 grade F embryos. We did not attempt a transfer.

We have since changed clinics and I’m on a slightly different protocol, currently on day 10 of stims. Hoping egg retrieval is soon my ovaries are killing! This time around I’ve felt nauseated and had a headache most of the time, I think due to the metformin she’s having me take for this. I have PCOS so I always produce a lot of eggs. Really hoping we have a good outcome this time🤞🏻.