Loosing my mind and sleep


Anyone have any tips/tricks/advice to help with separation anxiety at night? My LO (14 months) has not been sleeping well for about 2 months now. It started with her painfully crying in her sleep in what we believe was stomach pain due to milk. Then there was a stretch of teething and tiredness of switching to one nap. These all caused some night wakings. Now the last two week it appears to be separation anxiety. We try to put her down around 7 just for it to take 2 hours to get her down. But then she wakes up around 11 to take another 3 hours to get her down. I won’t lie the last few nights I’ve resorted to putting her in bed with me just so we both can get some sleep after my husband leaves for work at 2 am. Now she won’t lay down for naps either. She was a great sleeper from 6 months to a year and don’t want to create any bad habits. I know it’s a phase but I feel like this has been going on forever and getting worse.

Any help is appreciated.