What to do? 🤱


For the past couple months my son has been refusing to nurse on my right breast. My right side has always been my slacker boob, but it’s never been an issue before. The only time I can get him to nurse that side is when he’s asleep at night (we bedshare). But during the day (he nurses about 3/4 times a day) if I try to start him on the right side he usually suckles for a min then will flail around until he can get the left side. He will refuse the right breast all day long, leaving it pretty full. I don’t want to pump because I already have a pretty large stash in the freezer and he doesn’t take a bottle and I don’t want to pump and dump either. I don’t want to become engorged or develop mastitis, so what should I do? Should I just give him the left all day and then keep trying the right side at night? Should I completely wean off the right side? (I plan to let him self wean).

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I could just use some advice.