So confused..


So I was put on insulin because my fasting numbers were high. My day time numbers are all perfect, as I’m clearly working well with the diet.

I was put on bed time insulin, and I am sleeping terrible, some nights hardly at all- pure insomnia. ( was struggling with sleeping before insulin but now it’s crazy, not sleeping hardly at all)

Before taking insulin my day time numbers were perfect. The first night I took insulin the next morning my fasting was still a little high, but then one hour after eating breakfast my number spiked up to a number I’ve never seen before. This has never happened until insulin!

Then after a couple days my fasting number was still not right on target, so doctor upped my dose.

Upped my dose and that night didn’t sleep at all, the next morning numbers were higher than before and day time numbers all elevated.

I’m really confused as to what’s happening ? The doctor had said my day time numbers are perfect but literally as soon as I got on the insulin they’ve all spiked?

This morning when I get up after 9 hours of fasting my numbers was high, so I waited 15 mins more ( just to see) and numbers were quite lower.

Then I had my breakfast ( same I have every day since pregnancy) and my numbers were extremely high!?!?

I have noticed the longer I sleep

The better my numbers are, maybe it’s because where I’m not sleeping well the more hours help???

I’m just really confused. Anyone have similar things happen ?

I’m starting to not trust the insulin.. which sounds crazy. It’s just all this started to happen literally the day after taking insulin for the first time.

Should I fast longer?? Like sleep longer? Is that what is messing it up???