I feel confused. How do I know if I’m Bi for sure?

My parents are VERY religious so obviously they preached about a certain lifestyle..so I never really even thought about the possibility I could be “different” from their expectations until high school my freshman year. I could think more for myself and I noticed I was looking at girls that way or If I watched porn it was almost always lesbian but I never thought myself to be bi because Iv never been with a woman just wanted to be. I just find women very attractive and have always wanted to experience that.

HOWEVER I am now married to a man who I do love very much and very much enjoy having sex with but I’m feeling a really strongly desire to be with a woman and it’s making me question everything again.

Iv never had anyone in my life who could guide me though this or basically give me the “sex talk” about if I were attracted to the same sex so like I literally have no idea what any of my feelings mean and I am very confused.