Delayed postpartum bleeding? Or “fake period”


Is there such thing as “fake period” or delayed postpartum bleeding? So 6 weeks after I gave birth to my son I got what I thought might be my period. I bled for about 3 weeks after I had him it def stopped for about 2 so when I started bleeding again I was kinda surprised. It felt like a period started out light then by the 3rd day got heavier, a few cramps nothing horrible though. (Before I got pregnant I had really bad cramps) the bleeding lasted almost 8 days so def longer get than my regular 5days but I kinda expected that. Idk it’s just odd to me cause I never got my period this quick after having a baby. At most I’ve only ever breast fed 1 month. So that was never a factor I don’t think. The bleeding did start the day after my husband and I had sex so I really thought it was spotting after sex. But it just kept coming so counted that out. Idk it’s odd to me cause now it’s been 35 day and no sign of my period. 😬 i just can’t do a surprise baby right now with a 4yo, 2yo, and a 2mo and of course I’m paranoid right now lol