There are religion groups on glow

⚪Hula👶👶👶 • left glow for a break. I may come back as some point but for now its taking too much of my time

Its not possible to include everyone in a poll when it's on religion. I keep seeing these posts come up again and again. Seems to be super common on glow right now. So I was thinking I should make a comment section poll. I'm doing this to try to reduce the amount of these polls that pop up like everyday. If we put in a group effort and all just write a quick thing on our beliefs based on the amount of people in this group we could keep it so that every fifth poll we see isnt a religion poll. In the religion section on here, its managed to keep to one post by doing this.

Also anyone with questions for a specific denomination can just comment on the person who has that particular faith!

** Agnostic & Athiests are included in this too.