BF Pumping and SLEEP


So I’ve been breast feeding/bottle feeding breast milk to LO he’s about 3.5 months now. I BF about 3 times a day and bottle feed 3 times/day and always pump right before bed and I’m wondering at what point will i be able to sleep longer than 5/6 hours before waking up to pump. I produce normally about an oz an hour and my boobs can comfortably only hold about 5 oz of milk before I feel engorged. My LO sleeps very well hasn’t woke to feed since he was about 1.5 months old. But I always have to set an alarm to wake up and pump before he wakes up to avoid getting engorged. I’ve already had mastitis TWICE and just finished my antibiotics. I’m so terrified of getting it again and have been doing everything I can to avoid it. Wondering if this is my life forever while BF? Will I ever be able to get more than 6 hours of sleep without waking up so engorged!? Help!!! I just want to take advantage of all the sleep my LO gets and sleep while he sleeps. I’ve tried reading about it online and have gotten no where. What are others experiences with this??? I’m so scared to sleep longer than 6 hours in fear of getting mastitis a third time...